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Introducing Dribbble's Weekly Warm?Up

Alright Dribbblers, who’s ready to work up a sweat? If you’re searching for the creative equivalent of a light jog around the block, you’re in luck. We’re excited to kick off a new weekly design exercise for the Dribbble community – THE WEEKLY WARM-UP.

Why provide a spark for creative exercises? Well, oftentimes we find ourselves up to our eyeballs in high-stakes design projects, so it’s nice to take a breath and have design work purely for the sake of design—design work for the explicit sake of pushing the limits of your visual wheelhouse, while also encouraging you to flex your creative muscles.

So how will our Dribbble Weekly Warm-Up work? Each week we’ll post a new Shot prompt that will feature three components:

  1. We’ll provide a topic or theme—maybe it’s music, mountain ranges, or marsupials.
  2. We’ll give you an aesthetic constraint to spark your creativity—imagine a restriction on color palette, aspect ratio, or typeface styles you can employ.
  3. We’ll prescribe an intended format your design should take—perhaps it’s a homepage, book cover, illustration, or app icon.

Whether your typical creative poison is website design, typography, brand identities, animation, illustration, or anything in between—we encourage you to Rebound each Weekly Warm-Up Shot using its given guidelines. Use these design exercises to get those creative juices flowing —work those creative muscles, friends! Get out there and sketch, doodle, and mockup with as much fervor and time investment as you want to spare.

It’s all for fun, Dribbblers. These low-stakes, micro design briefs aren’t meant to be a contest or a competition. Our simple purpose with the Weekly Warm-Up is to cheer on the Dribbble community to exercise their creativity together, using a common prompt, in the hopes of trying new things. It’s finding value in the earnest pursuit of trying to level up your design skills and become a better designer.

So, are you ready? Our inaugural Weekly Warm-Up can be found here:

Design a Sticker for Your Hometown community experiment explore grow learn play practice weekly warm up

Design a Sticker for Your Hometown

by Dribbble for Dribbble

Get ready to flex those creative muscles, friends! In this inaugural Weekly Warm-Up you're tasked with creating a sticker that celebrates your hometown. No restriction on shape or size, but you can only use TWO COLORS in your design. Find empowerment in...

View on Dribbble

At the end of each week, our Weekly Warm-Up Shots will act as a community archive of design inspiration and design process. Submit as many Shots as you’d like for each prompt, just don’t forget to tag your contribution as dribbbleweeklywarmup. We’ll showcase a handful of submissions on our Dribbble social media accounts, as well as in a monthly roundup blog post.

Let’s build each other up by building skills together!

Find more Community stories on our blog Courtside. Have a suggestion? Contact
