Tarro Logomark
Inspired by the heart-shaped leaves that adorn a?taro plant, the Tarro logo-mark evokes feel-ings of peace, hope, and joy. ??
Although the plant didn’t inspire the Tar-ro moniker, it did pro-vide a?sim-ple logo-mark solu-tion that aligned close-ly with the brand attrib-ut-es and?SMIT.
Tarro's SMIT: Sat-is-fac-tion Through Thought-ful Sim-plic-i-ty ?
The logo-type is a?slight-ly altered instance of Deg-u-lar. The exag-ger-at-ed ink traps give the per-fect touch of play-ful-ness to an oth-er-wise sin-cere word-mark.
This logo rep-re-sents a?con-fi-dent yet friend-ly approach to a?ser-vice-cen-tric iden-ti-ty and sym-bol-izes the sim-ple thought-ful-ness with which Tar-ro serves clients.?
We love seeing it out in the world. ??
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