Search Suggestions and Bookmark Story (Wccftech)

Search suggestions have become an expected sign of a well-designed search feature in recent years. While typing anything in the search field, users can select from suggestions rather than completing their query. They can benefit by picking an appropriate direction that will show them good results, rather than making up a query that might have no marks or poor results, plus decreased interaction expense because they will type less.

In the new version of Wccftech, we have made search more effective and valuable by adding helpful search suggestions that lead users to relevant results and are visually distinct from the query text. Additionally, it includes scope, thumbnails, and categories.

We ensured every suggested query had good, relevant results and prioritised scannability, including ease of processing in the search suggestions. The primary purpose was to make it effortless for the users to voice their information needs and see beneficial results.

Since the new version of Wccftech has profile pages to deliver a personalised experience and a more engaging and seamless reading experience, users are comfortable accessing, sharing, and specially bookmarking stories. If they don't have sufficiently dedicated time to finish or consume the information at the moment, users can bookmark the story and read it later.

I have displayed bookmarking story flow in this shot if the user is not logged in or doesn't have an account yet on Wccftech, alongside the rest interactions as I have written above.

I would love to hear suggestions and feedback.?Don't forget to check out the shots @2x.

Stay tuned to catch up more about Wccftech in the coming days. Don't go anywhere without pressing the?'L'?on your keyboard if you enjoy it.

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