1. Healthcare App for Patient Visits app design graphic design mobile mobile application software software development ui user interface ux web application
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    Healthcare App for Patient Visits
  2. Truck Ticketing and Invoicing App app app development design graphic design logistics mobile app software development tms trucking ui uiux us userinterface ux web app
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    Truck Ticketing and Invoicing App
  3. Automotive Dashboard - Calendar & Appointments app appointment automotive calendar dashboard design graphic design mobile app mobile application responsive schedule ui uiux userinterface ux vehicle web app web application
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    Automotive Dashboard - Calendar & Appointments
  4. Klovor Restaurant Point of Sale Software app design graphic design mobile app mobile application mobileapplication point of sale point of sale software pos restaurant software ui userinterface ux web app web application webapplication
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  5. Algorithm Trading Platform for Investment Company app application design financial graphic design stocks trading ui userinterface ux webapplication
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    Algorithm Trading Platform for Investment Company
  6. Falaya Video Conference - Real Estate app chat conference conversation design desktop house inspection live location property realestate streaming survey ui ux video web
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    Falaya Video Conference - Real Estate
  7. Falaya App Design - Real Estate app calendar calender chat conference design filter home illustration listing property realestate sales signature task ui ux video
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    Falaya App Design - Real Estate
  8. Unlock'd Dashboards Design - Real Estate calendar calender chat dashboad data design listing property signature task typography ui ux
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    Unlock'd Dashboards Design - Real Estate
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